Syllabus 2019

Day One Handouts – Pink Sheets

Student, to ensure success, stick to these four guidelines: Never fail to turn in an assignment, sign up for text alerts, access grades online regularly, and engage in dialogue with Mr. Thompson when questions or concerns first arise. 

Students must practice self-control and self-discipline.  Students in need of behavioral management take away time from other students’ education during class.  If a student chooses to monopolize the time other students need during class, the student can expect to repay that time during detention after school.

Parent, please put forth the following efforts to help ensure success: Access grades online, sign up for text alerts, and speak with the student about classes regularly.

The most common contact received from parents revolves around grades and tends to focus upon advocating for a student’s success in class. A student should advocate before a parent.  Parents advocating for a student who has yet to advocate for himself or herself should expect a reply directing the parent to encourage the student to speak on his or her behalf.  However, situations parents deem a safety issue or concern for a student’s well-being certainly fall outside the parameter of this opportunity for s student’s growth in communication.

Supplies – 3-ring binder – 3 tabs: bell work (BW), graded work (GW) and handouts (HO), notebook paper, a red pen, and a traditional dark pen – Optional = hi-liters (yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, and pink)

Infinite Campus – Grade Book

Canvas for Students – Online Learning Management System

Canvas App for Parents

Office 365 – free Microsoft Office Suite – Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint, etc

Lockdown Browser for Students Using a Personal Computer

Welcome to Freshman English. We have a great year ahead with many lessons to learn, so it is important to understand what to expect from class, and it is more important to understand what I expect from each student.

English I is a necessary class to pass to earn a diploma, and anyone failing to earn a passing grade for the semester will complete the class at a later date, a waste of time for everyone. To earn a passing grade, attend class (more than 10 unexcused absences results in automatic failure for the semester), arrive with the proper materials (computer, binder, paper, and pen – ALWAYS FOLLOW DIRECTIONS AND USE PEN UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, or up to 20% may be deducted. Obtain a passing grade for bell work, in-class assignments, and any homework, research, quizzes, and tests.

Grades calculate on a total points scale. The “Final Exam” will be worth 10% overall. Assignments earn a point value based upon length, difficulty, skill being assessed, and type of assessment. Students and parents should track weekly progress through Infinite Campus.

Responsibility to make up work – Locate missed work on Canvas; if it cannot be found online, text or email an inquiry. I coach in the afternoons in the gym until mid-October; after volleyball season, I may be found in the gym immediately following school. If a student plans on stopping by after school, arranging a meeting ahead of time guarantees we can meet.

The student holds the responsibility to view Canvas for the assignments missed while absent or even during the absence. Do not count on time in class to retrieve missed assignments. If we do not have a chance to actually sit down and discuss what happened while absent, do not expect to receive makeup work during the teaching of a lesson. After reviewing the assignment online and if questions still exist, contact Mr. Thompson via email, text, or stop by before school.

The same number of days to complete the work and submit it will be provided as the number of days absent. Work not completed on time earns a ZERO. No late work will be accepted without an “Oops” pass, and “Oops” passes will not be accepted for assignments completed in class if present. No extra credit will be earned for unused passes.

The student handbook will guide discipline. FOOD AND DRINKS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. To avoid being tardy, arrive in the classroom before the bell begins ringing. Keep the classroom clean and the desks in order. Cell phone usage for any reason without permission = PM detention.

If a need ever arises, do not hesitate to call, text, or email.
918-357-7720 or
By Text – Reply through Remind or any text string sent earlier.
Canvas – Send a message through the Canvas course for English.

How To Register for Remind

After texting the message below for a particular class, a message will return asking for your name or saying thanks if your cell number is already a part of the program from another class.

If asked for a name, parents should include, “parent of” with the student’s name.  Students may simply enter one’s name.   

Text Alerts (fastest)                                                                                Email Alerts

1st Hour – Text 81010 This Message:  @dt001                                     email

2nd Hour – Text 81010 This message: @dt002                                     email

3rd hour – Text 81010 This Message:  @dt003                                     email

4th Hour – Text 81010 This Message:  @dt004                                     email



Students can expect to do a variety of lessons throughout the year in English. Most of our attention focuses on grammar, writing, and literature. Grammar studies occur through bell work and in conjunction with the literature and writing. A major portion of our curriculum will be the writing and extensive peer analysis and evaluation of three anchor papers and up to six technical writing assessments; a research paper occurs second semester as well. We will complete units on novel(s), short stories, a research paper, The Odyssey, and Romeo and Juliet to list a few. This will be a busy year comprising of up to 75 assignments in first semester and up to 60 second semester. Homework will be assigned regularly.Thompson’s 

To discuss the curriculum in greater detail, don’t hesitate to call, text, or email. 

Please gain access to grades online through Infinite Campus, aka Campus Portal. It is beneficial to review grades as often and as soon as possible. An app exists that notifies parents when grades are entered or attendance is updated. It is a glance directly into the grade book showing every assignment.

I look forward to working closely throughout the year; always remember a teacher has 30-38 kids in a class; a student finds greater success with a parent staying on offense. Keep in touch throughout the year for the best possible outcome.