Stay off any other website without obtaining permission first; the only reason to access another site is for attention grabber. Accessing any off-site storage device, whether on the web or an external drive, will result in zero credit for Anchor Paper #1.  Split screen this webpage and a Word document; the outline might rest on the monitor over this webpage as you type in Word.

Were you absent Monday when the outline and prompts were provided in class and have yet to retrieve one since then?  If so, visit Monday’s link before beginning today’s writing.

Anchor Paper #1 – Step-by-Step Directions

Formatting the Paper Before Writing
  1. Double space the entire document before typing
  2. Save OFTEN to the “My Documents” folder on this machine.
  3. MLA heading – use # in place of first and last name
  4. Supplemental resources are available-scroll down
Writing the five paragraph paper Review the Rubric Here!  Focus on the “Exemplary” column of the rubric and strive to reach at least the “Accomplished” rating.
Post Writing
  1. Save often
  2. Edit and revise.  Double-check for errors!  READ the paper sentence by sentence to avoid awkward sounding sentences.
    1. Attention Grabber – review the guidelines in the handout – link below
    2. topic sentences and closing sentences – Does each include the correct information?
    3. thesis statement – Does it include the correct information?
    4. word choice – Do action verbs out number auxiliary?  Review each sentence for overall word choice.  Were dead wall words avoided?  “CTRL + F” can be used to search for them – be sure to search for all forms of the word.
    5. run-ons and fragments – Remove them!
    6. concrete details – Does each one support the main idea, either by further explaining, supporting, or proving the topic sentence true?
    7. varied sentence beginnings – Adjust where possible to add variation to avoid repetitive use of only a few beginnings and the simple subject/verb beginning.
    8. varied sentence types – Adjust where possible to employ as many of the four types as possible – adding compound occasionally will help tremendously.
    9. transitions and transitional expressions – Include transitions throughout every paragraph.
    10. punctuation – If not positive the punctuation applied is correct, change it.
    11. POV should always remains 3rd person
      1. Limit the number of 1st person pronouns (ctrl+f)
    12. MLA heading and good title – no Anchor Paper #1
    13. Conclusion – review the guidelines in the handout – link below
  3. Save to the computer.
  4. We will not print today.  Stay quiet and please afford your neighbors the same quiet environment.

Anchor Paper #1 Outline and Prompt 2016

Introduction and Conclusion Handout

Transitions and Transitional Expressions