April 26, 2016

1st and 3rd Hours

We will pick up where we left off with Romeo and Juliet, Act III: Scene 2, and finish the remainder of the play.

Students should finalize the remaining twenty-five questions to complete all fifty-four before Friday, answers only and double-spaced on notebook paper.

On Friday students will have time to work, hopefully complete, the “Character Trait Reflection” chart.  Mr. Thompson will be available if anyone needs help locating act/scene information.

Both the fifty-four questions and the “Character Trait Reflection” chart will be due ahead of the test on the day class next meets, Monday for 1st/3rd and Wednesday for 2nd/4th.

All handouts and the text are available in the “Romeo and Juliet” link above.

April 25, 2016

1st and 3rd Hours

We will continue studying Romeo and Juliet during the block schedule.  Today, we will cover from line 44 of Act I: Scene 2 up to  Act III: Scene 2.  This will include questions 7-29, and those should be rewritten with the first six on notebook paper, answers only and double-spaced.

April 22, 2016

Romeo and Juliet kicks off today with a brief character review and the start of Act I, scene 1 thru scene 2 line 44.  Of the 54 study questions, students should complete through number six.

The text and study questions are in the “Romeo and Juliet” link above.

I hope to upload a copy of the video we use in conjunction with the textbook.