Practice independence! – Follow all directions below and ask questions along the way for clarification.  Good luck!

Deadline – TWA #1 must be in Mr. Thompson’s hands within 30 minutes of the tardy bell starting class.  Students will submit the highlighted paper within the allotted time and then be away from computers at the tables, or the assignment is considered late.

Technical Writing Assignment #2 – Step-by-Step Directions

Formatting the Paper Before Writing
  1. Double space the entire document before typing.
  2. Save NOW and OFTEN to the computer in Documents and a flash drive if available.  It only takes one “oops” to lose everything.
  3. MLA heading – Use # in place of first and last name.
  4. Type TWA #2 – Due at the following times:
  • 1st Hour – 8:55
  • 2nd Hour – 9:57
  • 3rd Hour – 10:59
  • 4th Hour – 12:05
Post Writing
  1. Save often.
  2. Edit and revise if time allows.  Double-check for errors!  READ the paper sentence by sentence to avoid awkward sounding writing.
    1. topic sentence – attention grabbing and states the main idea
    2. word choice – Were dead wall words avoided?  “CTRL + F” can be used to search for them – be sure to search for all forms of the word.  Action verbs should outnumber auxiliary verbs when used with a subject.  Include the six used correctly from the word bank?
    3. run-ons and fragments – Remove them!  Any compound sentences?
    4. concrete details – Is each one a fact explaining how the main idea came to be?
    5. Transitions and transitional expressions – Not required but can strengthen the flow from one concrete detail to the next.
    6. POV should always remains 3rd person.
    7. MLA heading with a creative title
    8. Closing Sentence – Does the last sentence provide closure?  It’s not just another specific one of the five Ws or how.
Printing and Submitting
  • To Print – Once “File” and “Print” or the printer icon shortcut has been clicked, be certain to choose the correct printer.  DO NOT select any “Lab” or “Print to One Note” from the list.
    • Downstairs near doors – “720_1300…A”
    • Upstairs near ramp on side of library – “720_1300…B”
    • Upstairs in the middle back – “720_1300…C”
  • Print  TWA #2 and then highlight accordingly.
    • Six words from the word bank – pink
  • Submit before 30 minutes of class pass.
After Submission

Follow these directions – link will activate after 30 minute window closes.